Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Progress at Aitutaki

Alice, Kathy, Mum and myself enjoyed the privilege recently, of assisting in the setting up the 4 libraries on Aitutaki.

Yes it is a paradise, - beautiful landscape, aqua marine water, friendly people and great island nights!

Unfortunately, - progress at the SDA school was severely hampered, - as their hard drive died, - after adding 5 Musac/SCIS records! However fantastic progress was made at
Arauru Primary, Arauru Secondary and Vaitau School. I hear that a team lead by Kathy, - will return to Aitutaki ni Term 4 to restart SDA and answer quereis at the other 3 schools. Above are some photos from Araura Primary where Mum and myself spent most of our time. Check out the wooden shelves that have been made for Araura Primary!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cook Island Trip in August

Thought I better put up some of the photos that Dyane and I took while we were recently over there. Im also working on a face book page seeing as Mum, Anna, and Barry are on facebook now and use it a lot. We are looking forward to Liz and Kathy coming over to present at SLANZA accompanied by Tania from Tereora and Me to keep them company( and Dyane for one day)
Photo 1- Paparoa's newly painted walls and shelving
Photo2 - Anna artistic signage at Titikaveka
Photo 3 - Its just the beginning- Emanuela's small library
Photo 4 Te Kaaroa -moving the shelving to the
sides to make space
Photo 5 Tereora College- newly painted walls and shelving


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Man, this takes too long...sorry run out of time. Will try and put up the others another time.

Kia Manuia.


Titikaveka College Library - Getting there!!

Kia Orana to you all.
I apologise for not visiting our beloved site more often, however the life of a teacher is one of non-stop chaos and always working your way through the millions of things one has to do.

I love it. Anyway, thankyou all for your help and guidence. Here are some pics of our library so far.