Tuesday, October 27, 2009

News from Anna at Titikaveka College

Things in our library are going very well. We have opened our
library and students have already begun taking books out. It wasn't a big
opening but Ani was sure to thank you all for your contribution and help.
Our library is looking good and the librarians are happy and on to it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

October update from the Principal at Mangaia School

The library is ticking along really well. Whenever there is an event Takau does research and makes up displays to high light the event. The students and staff are really enjoying the displays. To give you an example. With the World netball
Under 21 games in Rarotonga she had a netball hoop and information about each country competing. Then with the Pacific Mini Games she did something
similar but included props for each of the events like volley balls, rugby
balls, discus, shotputs etc. She had a map of the Pacific with markers on it
pointing to the countries and flags of each country around the map. It
looked great.

The current notice board is about Tsunamis, in particular the one that hit
Samoa. We printed some picture of the damage etc

The next display will be about wind generators. We have purchased a small
wind generator which we will install on one of the new blocks. It will run
all the lights and maybe fans.

Also we have displays each week for the class that is taking assembly. "Down
Memory Lane" We find old class photos of the students, like when they were
in preschool, and display them. The kids love it.

In terms of books. Takau and her team have set up a reserve system for the
new books, and others too. The new books are displayed for 1 week before
they can be borrowed and Takau has found out how to block the issuing of
these books during this time. (ie zero days to borrow)
Books are being mended as necessary.

Takau has a small library group that meets every Tuesday for 1 1/2 hours.
They come up with ideas about improving the library, they make displays ad
help keep the library exciting and tidy.

On November 3rd we are having a birthday celebration as it is one year since
we first started using the barcode and MUSAC system. More details later.

During the last holidays, which were 3 1/2 weeks long Takau opened the
library twice a week for 4 hours. So students and community members could
borrow books. We had a good response.

That's all I have time for now. The library is great!!