Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Of Wearable art and other things...

Kia orana,
Just back from a great weekend in Wellington at the Wearable Arts show (3 1/2 hours long with no break so we had some very sore body parts!). http://www.worldofwearableart.com/category/image-galleries/winners/2008-winners

Wellington was beautiful, windy, wet and then beautiful again. I treated myself to a very exotic facial and massage which involved chilled jade stones and a suggestion that I try Botox!!

On the work front, Rosemary and I had a great day yesterday at Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate. We were supposed to do a collection assessment - a daunting prospect as it is a 0-13 school with few sequences separated for the different age ranges - but the librarian knows her collection really well and had already written a list of the gaps. So that made life a lot easier.

Hope you're all well and enjoying lots of lovely fresh fruit.



first meeting...

Welcome Dyane & Alice to the Cook Island and thanx for the rain.....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Kia orana to everybody in Cook Islands for Stage 3

It's one of those sparkling spring days people wait all winter for here in Auckland- actually it's a little cool and cloudy. But... Anyway we hope the travellers have arrived and wish you all the best over the next two weeks. Keep them busy won't you. We're looking forward to hearing your news, so got in first.
From the team (sigh) back here.
Ra manea

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pride Presentation at 9th Regional Workshop September 2008

This presentation was given by Elizabeth Jones in Fiji as part of the Pride Confrence. September 2008

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