Monday, September 29, 2008

Kia orana to everybody in Cook Islands for Stage 3

It's one of those sparkling spring days people wait all winter for here in Auckland- actually it's a little cool and cloudy. But... Anyway we hope the travellers have arrived and wish you all the best over the next two weeks. Keep them busy won't you. We're looking forward to hearing your news, so got in first.
From the team (sigh) back here.
Ra manea


Peo Potini said...

of course they are having fun here....looking forwards to demolished their brainzzz and how things over there...hahahaaaaaaaaa...

Dyane said...

Thanks Rob for your message. It is great to be here and begin work in the schools.

Unfortunately it is raining pretty hard, - although it is lovely and warm.

We will try and post regular comments.

We will run a scis workshop later today and have re introduced the teachers to the blog and how to access it.
Talk to you all later!