Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Senior students at Mangaia School hooked into reading

Message from Tekau
The secondary students are taking books as well as reading them during breaks. We are impressed with this new move of the students particularly the girls. The boys take books too but some of them do not show their reading interest openly like the girls do during breaks. In the library it's different. They sit down and read their books. I'm talking here about the college students.
As for the primary they take books and I know most of them are just looking at the pictures because they bring their books 2 - 3 days after.
On Wednesday of this week, the College students went to the airport to welcome our Queen's Representative and his team. My sister told me that afternoon that she was impressed by the students reading their books while they were waiting for the plane to arrive. These students are mostly girls.
I have started training some students to issue and return the books from various classes except Grades 1 & 2 and Pre-school. I have also encouraged them to come back and change their books if they want before their library day. And they also come during breaks, in the morning when I get to school as well as after school.

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