Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Progress at Aitutaki

Alice, Kathy, Mum and myself enjoyed the privilege recently, of assisting in the setting up the 4 libraries on Aitutaki.

Yes it is a paradise, - beautiful landscape, aqua marine water, friendly people and great island nights!

Unfortunately, - progress at the SDA school was severely hampered, - as their hard drive died, - after adding 5 Musac/SCIS records! However fantastic progress was made at
Arauru Primary, Arauru Secondary and Vaitau School. I hear that a team lead by Kathy, - will return to Aitutaki ni Term 4 to restart SDA and answer quereis at the other 3 schools. Above are some photos from Araura Primary where Mum and myself spent most of our time. Check out the wooden shelves that have been made for Araura Primary!

1 comment:

Mangaia said...

Good to see that you are progressing in Aitutaki. Well done.

Keep at it. I know it's hard work but you will get there eventually.