Friday, May 16, 2008

Action on return to the Cook Islands!!

Kia ora,

I am writing this from my Northland office on the eve of my vacation to the warmth of Australia. I am thinking of the overview of school libraries that we whizzed past you last week and the action plans that you drafted. Thanks for being such fabulous learning participants!

I am suggesting that you all post a review on this blog weekly on what you have achieved, - or what you are planning to put into action in terms of school library development for that week, month etc.

Please do not forget to ask for our advice, for our comments, guidelines, example policies etc.....

I am attaching a photo of one of my favourite new school libraries. It is Hurupaki School in Whangarei. The roll is approx 300 and it is a year 1-6 school. The decile is approx 8. The have the Oliver library software and they use SCIS. They have recently been reviewed by ERO with a focus on information literacy and their report can be found at;$File/1018.htm?Open

Cheers Dyane

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