Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Meitaki Maata

With heartfelt thanks to the Team at National Library, I've learned more about the purpose of school libraries, actually, I've learned more than I anticipated. Now its just a matter of putting "what I've learned" into action. Thank you team and don't worry I'll be knocking on your doors for help.

I won't say anything on behalf of the other ladies, I'm sure they want to do that themselves. Meitaki Ranuinui kia kotou katoatoa (i.e. Thank you very much to everyone)

For Now


Pauline McCowan said...

Thank you for your message Kathy. We look forward to many more times together and more challenges to take up and work upon! When you get back to Rarotonga, remember to take photos of all the 'before' situations so we can enjoy the 'after' photos.

Fiona Mackie said...

Looking forward to continuing to work with you all as part of this exciting project. Once the new books arrive in the two libraries, we'd love to see some photos of the student's reactions to the new material.

Dyane said...

Dear all,

Thanks for your message and for the great times already learning together. I feel that we are at the very beginning of a long journey that we will all benefit from!

Anna Katoa said...

I wonder what happened to my comments which I posted while the girls were still in NZ?

Tania said...

Well Kathy,

I tend to agree with you. I too learned a lot and for sure I would like to get the encouragement of the staff and the students to use the library here at Tereora.

I learned so much at the SLANZA conference in Christchurch that I just don't know where to start. But hey, my librarians and I are having heaps of fun in the library.