Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hooray! The first library resource have arrived on the rock!

Kia Orana Team,

Updates from the Cooks. The MUSAC Installment Manual along with the barcodes for four of the five schools identified have arrived on our shores. Three other schools have been added to the Library project (Nikao, Arorangi and Mitiaro). Apparently the invoices that came through for the software, the shelves and the books were much more cheaper than what we have anticipated, with more dollars to spare, we were able to purchase the resources for the other three schools. We couldn't have done it without the help of the National Library Team. The computers for the five libraries will be purchased from the suppliers here in the Cooks.

Liz and Peo will be submitting photos of their libraries to the blog, I'll just have to show them how to do it. I have posted the photo of the first resource that have arrived.

Will be in touch

Kathy George

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ideas for School Libraries

Hopefully these slides will give you some good ideas particularly for shelving.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Actions from last Meeting

Kia orana , I have put up the minutes from our last meeting as a link but thought I would also put in the actions here so everyone could see quickly what we needed to do .
We also met to clarify a couple of the actions yesterday which I have included. Did all schools want scanners and MUSAC?
Also putting up photos of shelves as a slide show but not working as yet!

Resources ·
Fiona will email invoices to Gail Townsend- Done ·
Fiona and Rosemary to select rest of resources- Done
Action Plans
Cook Island team email a copy at end of the term ·
Cook Island team aim to do one task every month. . ·
Alice to put APs on blog
Phone coferencing ·
Kathy/ Gail will look into using phone conferencing equipment –Maureen ·
Nat Lib to look at Telecom costings from CI and from NZ end
Audit CheckList
Anna and Kathy to follow up
Alice to put copy on blog
Kathy - collate the results
Fiona check with Trish to start the process to get formal agreement - done MUSAC
Alice to ring MUASAC and get them send invoice to Liz, Takau and Peo? Scanner ·
Rob to ring Raeco about their scanners and contact Takau re: ordering ·
Cook Island team purchase scanner asap( did all school want to do this?) ·
Rob - check Photocopy instruction page on scanners ?( was this done?)
All present accept invitations today while here- Done ·
Takau set up a new personal account - Done
Alice and Kathy – Mangaia photos up – Done
Liz photos – still to go up
Reading Conference
Kathy and Peo to confirm visit with Dyanne
Shelving ·
Takau will send plans for Mangaia ·
Staff take photographs of shape and place, and send measurements of heights - distances of walls, between shelves and windows. ·
Alice to up load photos of different shelving options ·
Fiona check cost of a Hydestor mobile unit- Done Cost $1107.00
Dyanne to follow up purchase of mobile unit

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Working Party after 3 weeks ready to go!

Thanks for the lovely gifts : ))
National Library Advisers