Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hooray! The first library resource have arrived on the rock!

Kia Orana Team,

Updates from the Cooks. The MUSAC Installment Manual along with the barcodes for four of the five schools identified have arrived on our shores. Three other schools have been added to the Library project (Nikao, Arorangi and Mitiaro). Apparently the invoices that came through for the software, the shelves and the books were much more cheaper than what we have anticipated, with more dollars to spare, we were able to purchase the resources for the other three schools. We couldn't have done it without the help of the National Library Team. The computers for the five libraries will be purchased from the suppliers here in the Cooks.

Liz and Peo will be submitting photos of their libraries to the blog, I'll just have to show them how to do it. I have posted the photo of the first resource that have arrived.

Will be in touch

Kathy George


Alice Heather said...

Kia orana Kathy ,
Very impressed you're on the blog yahoo.

Pauline McCowan said...

Very good to hear from you Kathy and hear about progress. You would NOT like to be in NZ at the is freezing!!

Dyane said...

Kia orana Kathy,

So very lovely to hear from you Kathy!!! We are excited back here that the resources, Musac etc has started to arrive. Thanks for blogging, - and look forward to also hearing form the others soon!
Yes it is cold and wet here, - bring multi layers of clothes when you come next month!