Friday, March 6, 2009

Library Learning

Kia Orana from New Market, Auckland.

My Name is Anna Roumanu nee Rasmussen and I am a Cook Islander from the Cook Islands (Rarotonga to be exact) visiting New Zealand with a group of 6 Fantastic teachers (THE BEST IN THE WORLD)... ONE of us even came all the way from Atiu...thats Barry Ross. hahaha.

Our group consists of Mum from Arorangi School, Kerri fromTakitumu School, Teina from Avatea, Enoa from Rutaki, Barry from Enuamanu, Anne from Papaaroa and lil old me from Titikaveka College.

We're here as part of a workshop that aims to improve our libraries back home in the Cooks and eventually LITERACY in general for us all.

On our visit I have picked up so many KOOL and IMPORTANT points, tips, skills, ideas, understandings about what we can do to create, organise, present and successfully use a library within our schools.

The Library is an essential part of our schools that always needs care and attention.

We need the support of the Principal, all staff and the community to create and maintain a GOOD library.


We loved going to WHEELERS where we could imagine choosing all those glorious books for ourselves!!!

I have to go home and get cleaning... lol.


Bazza Ross said...

What we have experienced will eventually help to "sell the sizzle" back home in the Cooks.The role of our libraries in the 21st century is not clearly defined yet. This workshop has been invaluable.

annehosea said...

This was our first stop in Auckland. It was such an eye opener for each of us...with a big WOW!!!. We have felt the we must apply it with our vision in our little corner of the world .. our school. Kia ora .. ka neke tatou ki mua ine.