Thursday, May 7, 2009

An update from Tereora College, Rarotonga

May 2009
I have been so busy with reports that whenever I have a class in the library, it seems to be an opportune time for me to slowly start weeding books off the fiction shelves. .

Sam has been checking the shelves with me and putting aside books that would be good to get through Wheelers and the rest we biff out in to the fire. It's amazing the amount of garbage we have had on the shelves and are now realising how short each section in the fiction area is becoming.

I talked to David Milanovic (English teacher) about his class and gave him the wheeler's website and the password so that the could add books to the wishlist. I I will also be sending out a survey to the form classes to see what types of books the students are interested in reading and getting the subject teachers to check out the non-fiction area of the library to weed out their books and also to find out what they would like me to order.

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