Thursday, February 18, 2010

Enuamanu School Library makeover Jan 2010

Spot the before and after photos of Barry's library transformation! Gone is the uninviting, forgotten dirty space with no face out shelving, no library computerised system and old, falling apart out of date books.

Amazing transformation from a uninviting dirty space with concrete floor, mouldy, out of date books , dirty shelves with no face out shelving and no computers to boot.


Mangaia said...

Way to go Enuamanu. It looks like you are up in the heavens with your library's new look Barry. I'm sure your students are enjoying and using your library fully.

Ka kite

Gaylene Mauheni said...

I agree with Heather - well done Enuamanu. Your library looks as if it is 'pumping' Barry which is so good to see. Knowing you the library is definitely going to be well used.
