Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sharing with you some latest happenings on Mangaia

Tangike kotou e te au taeake. It's been awhile since I last visited our blogsite. So I thought I'll share with you a few of what is happening here on Mangaia.

As the classes has been finding information on the history of Mangaia School, our Principal thought that the library is the best place for students to have access to this information is in the library where it is available whenever students wants them. Interesting enough, parents who visit the library find this information very enriching as a number of them have loss track of the history of the School.
Last November Croc Coulters visited us with the Perfoming Arts Advisor, Charlotte Cousins and Annie O'nielle to introduce junk to funk in the school. During that time Croc took an art class which they named The Akatikitiki Artwork with some of our senior students as well as members of the community who are interested in improving their art skills. Their completed work is now being displayed in our library as you ca see in the photo on a ledge made by our senior 1 students during a HRD capentry workshop held here in the school.
We are fortunate enough to be the closest island to see the July 11th total solar eclipse so I thought of sharing what information we have found from various websites about eclipses. You may not be able to read them as the point of this is to share with you what we are doing here.
I hope that you are all enjoying your work in the library as well as creating new stuff all the time. One thing I'm finding hard is to finalise a library plan for my procedures manual as each time I think this is the final one, I think of changing a few things. So at the moment there is no set plan.
Good luck to you all and hope to see your libraries on our blogsite in the near future


Gaylene Mauheni said...

Tena koutou te whanau mai Mangaia. Tumeke people - what awesome photo's of your library to date and made even better to hear parents are also making a point to visit.
Yes, the neat thing about having specialist visitors is that you get to display your completed work in the library. They really brightened up the whole place.

Mauri ora everyone

Alice Heather said...

Kia ora Takau,
Awesome job !! YOU're a shining example of ggod practise of making the library a living space ot support learning in the school.
Yep a librayrplan will always change and that is ok . Just put in draft one , then add changes:))

Mangaia said...

Kia orana Gaylene and Alice,

Thanks for the words of encouragement in maintaining our library so the students as well as the community will be encouraged to visit, read and borrow books.

Alice, is it okay if I copy the idea of using empty cartons you shared with us that you are doing in your school. I like the idea and it is also a good way of using our empty cartons here in school.

Thank you two again and I look forward to hearing from you again.