Thursday, October 16, 2008

Farewell to Dyane and Alice

The two day intensive workshop with particpants from various schools around Rarotonga was completed yesterday afternoon. Dyane and Alice managed to convince those who attended the workshop how important the libraries are to students learning, and these participants are willing to make changes to their school libraries as soon as Term 4 begins - very promising.
Needless to say, the lead teachers and I learned alot more about MUSAC and SCIS from all the practical work we've done alongside Dyane and Alice. They did tell us that during the attachment in NZ in May, our brains probably only retained 5% of the information from the workshop and I couldn't agree more. The information from the workshop in May, I am happy to say is finally sinking in.
I'd like to say MEITAKI MAATA (Thank You very much) to Dyane and Alice for your dedication, committment and tireless effort in setting up the model libraries and for working alongside our teachers patiently. We have learned a lot from the two weeks you spent over here with us. I'm in overdrive at the moment so I am taking half the day off to recuperate from all that overtime (I'm not complaining!) and start fresh tomorrow.
Dyane and Alice, I hope you two had a wonderful trip back home and be reunited with your loved ones. To all the team at National Library, thank you for your continuous support, I enjoyed reading your comments.
Ka Kite from the Cooks.

1 comment:

Dyane said...

Dear Kathy,

Thanks for your lovely comments. Yes, - I agree we did work hard and long hours, - as Alice and I knew the clock was always ticking against us!

However, - I feel we have made great progress in the journey of developing supportive school libraries in the Cook Islands.

Thanks for all your support including taking us to the airport at 3am in the morning!

Kind reagrds