Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Photos from the Cook Islands - Day 1

Dear all,

Day two today and it has dawned hot and humid after down pours of rain yesterday.

We worked with Kathy, Liz, and Peo yesterday in the morning finding out what had happened in their schools since May. So much work and enthusiasm! At Liz's school they had painted the library making it look fresh and inviting and with beautiful floral curtains.

Yesterday after noon we went through the blogging process again then straight into the SCIS- ing process. There is no Internet access in the library in most of these schools so we had to do the SCIS-ing in 2 stages. Scan the books onto word in the library, then save onto flashdrive then walk up to the office and work through the SCIS process then save and back to the library to import into Musac. We managed to SCIS approx 100 books and worked through a powercut and then the office closed, so no internet access.

Alice and I took 3 boxes of books back to our apartment last night to scan theISBNs into word to hasten the process.

We also a assisted Liz in her library to weed the fiction collection to make way for the new books ( I think she is to have a bonfire in her backyard)! Fiona and Rosemary you did a great job on selecting the books!

Off to Peo's schools soon so will add the photos and hope to post again tomorrow. Hope you are all well!



Fiona Mackie said...

Hi to all in the Cook Islands - glad the library books have arrived and that you're SCIS-ing like crazy!
Looking forward to seeing photos of the different spaces, especially Liz's paintwork and curtains.

Rob Finlay said...

Cool!- and hot, and wet! I'm off to my own (possibly) tropical island to not work and spend time with family in Sydney. Keep up the good work, and stand back sometimes to pat each other(s) on the back. Meitaki,

Pauline McCowan said...

Kia orana Esteemed Colleagues
Great to hear from you.Sorry about the rain. No not really, you are in the tropics after all!
Please send more photos and keep up the good work.
PS Made a curry last night from my Cook Islands recipe book called "The Flame Tree Cook Book" The Flame Tree resturant, is it still there?