Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday 2nd October

Dear all,

Thanks for your comments.. it is so good to hear form you. We are over on Mangaia the southern most island. Mangaia School is from grade 1-12. It is Takau's school, - and the staff are fabulous a mix of NZ , mainly Cook Island and even an Ozzi! The MOE Northland Manager is here with his wife. They are from (he was ex Principal) of Tauraroa Area School, just out of Whanagrei. This is their sister school. So this morning we had an offical welcome.. it brought tears to my eyes, - the singing was beautiful!.

So for the last 2 days we have been weeding, scis-ing, putting onto Musac, and pd on literacy and this afternoon on searching strategies. We have introduced Te Ara, Living Hertiage, LibraryThing and links to Fionas Librarything fab teen site as they need more direction in level 2 wide reading. We have made really good progress I feel.

We are enjoying paypaya and local sweet bananas..

Attached some photos. Alice and I went for an early morn walk this morn, and took some photos and Alice even swam!


Fiona Mackie said...

Thanks for linking to my 'fabfic' LT account, and am so glad it will be of use. Avarua could use it to identify material for their Intermediate students too, as all suitable books for them are tagged 'Y7-8'. Both schools might also want to use my other LT account, which is called 'raising_a_reader', as it has good material for 0-7 year olds, as well as sophisticated picturebooks.

Dyane said...

Thanks Fiona for this.
Just back on Raro now. Friday today.