Saturday, November 7, 2009

Photos from library celebration at Mangaia School- Nov 2009

Kia orana,

Takau took these photos to mark the first year in operation for the library at Mangaia School. Looks like it was a joyful celebration!

Mangaia Library's celebration

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

News from Anna at Titikaveka College

Things in our library are going very well. We have opened our
library and students have already begun taking books out. It wasn't a big
opening but Ani was sure to thank you all for your contribution and help.
Our library is looking good and the librarians are happy and on to it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

October update from the Principal at Mangaia School

The library is ticking along really well. Whenever there is an event Takau does research and makes up displays to high light the event. The students and staff are really enjoying the displays. To give you an example. With the World netball
Under 21 games in Rarotonga she had a netball hoop and information about each country competing. Then with the Pacific Mini Games she did something
similar but included props for each of the events like volley balls, rugby
balls, discus, shotputs etc. She had a map of the Pacific with markers on it
pointing to the countries and flags of each country around the map. It
looked great.

The current notice board is about Tsunamis, in particular the one that hit
Samoa. We printed some picture of the damage etc

The next display will be about wind generators. We have purchased a small
wind generator which we will install on one of the new blocks. It will run
all the lights and maybe fans.

Also we have displays each week for the class that is taking assembly. "Down
Memory Lane" We find old class photos of the students, like when they were
in preschool, and display them. The kids love it.

In terms of books. Takau and her team have set up a reserve system for the
new books, and others too. The new books are displayed for 1 week before
they can be borrowed and Takau has found out how to block the issuing of
these books during this time. (ie zero days to borrow)
Books are being mended as necessary.

Takau has a small library group that meets every Tuesday for 1 1/2 hours.
They come up with ideas about improving the library, they make displays ad
help keep the library exciting and tidy.

On November 3rd we are having a birthday celebration as it is one year since
we first started using the barcode and MUSAC system. More details later.

During the last holidays, which were 3 1/2 weeks long Takau opened the
library twice a week for 4 hours. So students and community members could
borrow books. We had a good response.

That's all I have time for now. The library is great!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Progress at Aitutaki

Alice, Kathy, Mum and myself enjoyed the privilege recently, of assisting in the setting up the 4 libraries on Aitutaki.

Yes it is a paradise, - beautiful landscape, aqua marine water, friendly people and great island nights!

Unfortunately, - progress at the SDA school was severely hampered, - as their hard drive died, - after adding 5 Musac/SCIS records! However fantastic progress was made at
Arauru Primary, Arauru Secondary and Vaitau School. I hear that a team lead by Kathy, - will return to Aitutaki ni Term 4 to restart SDA and answer quereis at the other 3 schools. Above are some photos from Araura Primary where Mum and myself spent most of our time. Check out the wooden shelves that have been made for Araura Primary!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cook Island Trip in August

Thought I better put up some of the photos that Dyane and I took while we were recently over there. Im also working on a face book page seeing as Mum, Anna, and Barry are on facebook now and use it a lot. We are looking forward to Liz and Kathy coming over to present at SLANZA accompanied by Tania from Tereora and Me to keep them company( and Dyane for one day)
Photo 1- Paparoa's newly painted walls and shelving
Photo2 - Anna artistic signage at Titikaveka
Photo 3 - Its just the beginning- Emanuela's small library
Photo 4 Te Kaaroa -moving the shelving to the
sides to make space
Photo 5 Tereora College- newly painted walls and shelving


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Man, this takes too long...sorry run out of time. Will try and put up the others another time.

Kia Manuia.


Titikaveka College Library - Getting there!!

Kia Orana to you all.
I apologise for not visiting our beloved site more often, however the life of a teacher is one of non-stop chaos and always working your way through the millions of things one has to do.

I love it. Anyway, thankyou all for your help and guidence. Here are some pics of our library so far.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Papaaroa Adventist School

Kia Orana to you all,

It's a great way to communicate. So come on you guys and gals get going. Take care.

Anne Hosea
Papaaroa Adventist School

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Library Conference in NZ in late September 2009

Dear all,

Calling for those of you who are wise and strong!! SLANZA - the School Library Association of NZ Aotearoa is holding their conference in Christchurch NZ in late September. I have talked to Gail Townsend about the possibility of some of you attending this 3 day conference, as it would be fantastic professional development opportunity. Gail has suggested that in order to attend the Cook Island participants may need to present a paper....
So visit this site and talk to each other and Gail... and email me if you need more information.

Kind regards Dyane

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mangaia School's remodelled shelving

A new section we thought of for books only to be viewed in the library due to the status they are in. And as you will notice I have put them closer to the issue desk for easy monitoring.
Remodelled shelving used at the moment for our National Geographic Magazines

part of the picture book section (smaller books)

Our new extension to our picture book section (bigger books)

Hello everyone,
Here's our latest development regarding our shelving and library set up although a few more details needs to be added for eg. the signages for the shelves

Friday, May 22, 2009

Takitumu Library!

More Photos of Takitumu Library

Takitumu Library!

Takitumu Library

Takitumu Library - Ready for the Students!

Kia Orana kotou katoatoa,
Last Thursday 14th May marked the reopening of the Takitumu school library. It was a whole team effort from the Principal Engia, to the carpenter Kevin and of course from Kerry and the whole staff of Takitumu. There was alot of overtime and weekends spent in getting the library ready for its big day. It was a BIG DAY with the invitation of guests such as the PTA Chairman, the Member of Parliament for the community, the New Zealand High Commissioner, Secretary of Education, Support Manager - Gail and of course the parents, and the students wrapped it all up with a beautiful performance. Enjoy the photos!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Seeking assistance on how to insert photos in a borrower's profile

Hello colleagues and advisors,

Now that I have finally succeeded in getting on to blog, I can't stop. I want to insert photos of our students into their borrower profile but do not know how. So please if any of you professionals out there know how to do it, don't forget to share it with us Ok.

Kerry, how did your grand opening go? You must be glad now that you will go away for a while knowing that you have established the starting point for your school in using your library. Good luck and bring some new ideas from up north to share with us.

And to all of you who will be reading this message, I wish you the best of luck in developing your libraries.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mangaia School's latest development

Hello colleagues and advisors, this is one new addition to our library and now our new books does not go out without being displayed for a week. I'm finding it difficult to cope with the students demand for these new books as to who takes them out first. Anyway, getting them to reserve the books is a good way to control who to take a book(s) out as they just have to follow the list until the person before them has taken the book they want or have reserved.
Anothe development I want to share with you all is that I have weeded our non fiction section for books that are suitable for our junior students and have added a section for them. As the new addition goes up the colour coding chart is extended as a guide for the students to the various sections in the library.

Another new addition to our library is the pillows for the students. As there is not enough for individual students they share.

I hope what I have shared will help with the steps you are climbing to get your library up and going. I know that you are creative in your own ways and will soon get to the top of the ladder with regards to the development of your libraries.
Good Luck to you all and I look forward to any comments from you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

An update from Tereora College, Rarotonga

May 2009
I have been so busy with reports that whenever I have a class in the library, it seems to be an opportune time for me to slowly start weeding books off the fiction shelves. .

Sam has been checking the shelves with me and putting aside books that would be good to get through Wheelers and the rest we biff out in to the fire. It's amazing the amount of garbage we have had on the shelves and are now realising how short each section in the fiction area is becoming.

I talked to David Milanovic (English teacher) about his class and gave him the wheeler's website and the password so that the could add books to the wishlist. I I will also be sending out a survey to the form classes to see what types of books the students are interested in reading and getting the subject teachers to check out the non-fiction area of the library to weed out their books and also to find out what they would like me to order.